Whistleblowing report
Interpump Group has established certain and confidential channels for reporting any irregularities or violations of the Code of Ethics, the Organization and Management Model pursuant to Legislative Decree 231/2001 or applicable laws and regulations.
Interpump Group is committed to ensure the confidentiality of the subjects and facts reported, as well as the identity of the reporter. After verifying their reliability, all reports, including anonymous reports, will be reviewed by the relevant functions and handled in accordance with the Reporting Management Procedure.
Personal data will be processed in accordance with applicable data protection regulations. The purposes and methods of data processing by Interpump Group are regulated in the attached Privacy Policy.
Reports can be submitted through a specific form, using the Report Management Portal at the following link::
It will still be possible to submit the report through the following channels:
E-mail: [email protected]
Mail Box: Interpump Group S.p.A., c.a. Organismo di Vigilanza,
via E. Fermi, 25 – 42049 S. Ilario d’Enza (RE) – Italy
Direct call: +39 0522 904311